Crossing of Toroni Bay (Nikiti)

This is a major event for Nikiti and the surrounding region: the Toroni crossing, a swim of 26km, is completed by swimmers who are allowed no artificial means of staying afloat. Everyone who completes the course is declared a winner and crowned with the victor’s wreath. The tradition began in 1971, when a group of six friends from Halkidiki, sharing a passion for the sea, decided to venture on a swim from Nikiti to Kassandra. The event is usually held in the second fortnight of July and lasts for a week, accompanied by a range of cultural events. The actual swim is held on the last day. tel. 23750 23900, 20066,



Nature Activities & Sports


The sea off the coast of Halkidiki is rich in underwater wildlife, such as corals, sponges, octopi, crabs, sea horses and fish of a thousand

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The three peninsulas or ‘feet’ of Halkidiki – Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos – each have their own character and landscape. We have designed three itineraries,

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