
Kassandra Trip

A journey around the Kassandra peninsula Kassandra is seen as the most cosmopolitan of the three ‘feet’ of Halkidiki, many of its villages having large hotels,

Sithonia Trip

A tour of the Sithonia peninsulaWith the pine trees coming right down to the beach, the air full of intoxicating scents, the rugged coastline with

Athos Trip

A visit to the Mt. Athos peninsula The largest part of the third peninsula is occupied by the monastic community of Mt. Athos, comprising 20

Mountainous Halkidiki Trip

Tour of mountain Halkidiki Apart from its fabulous coastline of golden beaches and little bays and coves, with crystal clear waters, Halkidiki also has a

The three peninsulas or ‘feet’ of Halkidiki – Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos – each have their own character and landscape. We have designed three itineraries, three unique journeys through the earthly paradise that answers to the name of Halkidiki. Three refreshing trips along the blue waters of the coast and through the green shade of the forest, passing through sleepy villages and traditional communities. Three itineraries full of pleasant surprises, and one more, to a place whose air breathes the scents and fragrances of the forest, which listens to the song of nature and looks down from on high across the blue sea – the magical Mt. Holomontas!




Top Attractions

Horse Riding

Horse riding is organized in Sithonia peninsula, as well as Holomontas mountain. Gallery Location Nature Activities & Sports Share Share on facebook Facebook Share on

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Sithonia Trip

A tour of the Sithonia peninsulaWith the pine trees coming right down to the beach, the air full of intoxicating scents, the rugged coastline with

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